Mixmax config eslint
Mixmax config eslint

mixmax config eslint
  1. Mixmax config eslint how to#
  2. Mixmax config eslint install#
  3. Mixmax config eslint code#

You can choose a specific environment to run the application from by setting the NODE_ENV environment variable: NODE_ENV=development node index.js You can use a different configuration file for each environment you're planning to run Pa11y Dashboard on. You can store the configuration for Pa11y Dashboard on a JSON file. The available configurations are documented in the next section. For example to run the application on port 8080 you can use the following: PORT=8080 node index.js This can be done in two ways: Option 1: Using environment variablesĮach configuration can be set with an environment variable rather than a config file. The last step before being able to run Pa11y Dashboard is to define a configuration for it. Mongodb-community started pa11y /Users/pa11y/Library/LaunchAgents/ Start the MongoDB server: brew services start mongodb/brew/ Ĭheck that the service has started properly: $ brew services list

Mixmax config eslint install#

Install a supported Community version of MongoDB: brew install Tap the MongoDB Homebrew Tap: brew tap mongodb/brew More recent versions of MongoDB are untested and unsupported. On recent versions of macOS (10.13 or later), you can use Homebrew to install MongoDB Community Edition.

mixmax config eslint

Please ensure that your MongoDB server fills the requirements before trying to run Pa11y Dashboard. Pa11y Dashboard currently uses version 3 of the Node.js MongoDB driver, which means that only MongoDB servers of versions 4.4 or older are supported. An example of the installation and configuration process for macOS follows.

Mixmax config eslint how to#

When in doubt, please refer to the MongoDB installation instructions for details of how to install and run MongoDB on your specific operating system. Instructions for installing and running MongoDB are outside the scope of this document. Then installing the dependencies: cd pa11y-dashboard In order to run Pa11y Dashboard, we recommend cloning this repository locally: git clone Please refer to the documentation from your provider for details on how to do this. For example, in Debian/Ubuntu systems you may need to install the libnss3 and libgconf-2-4 libraries in order to be able to run tests on Pa11y Dashboard. On certain environments this may require additional dependencies to be installed. Pa11y Dashboard uses puppeteer to create a headless instance of the Chromium browser in order to run the tests. The database doesn't have to be in the same server or computer where Pa11y Dashboard is running from.

mixmax config eslint

Pa11y Dashboard uses a MongoDB database to store the results of the tests. ⚠️ At the moment, Pa11y Dashboard won't work with Node.js v16. Pa11y Dashboard is a Node.js application and requires a stable or LTS version of Node, currently version 12 or 14. Need to since the Node and browser configurations already extend that.Pa11y Dashboard is a web interface to the Pa11y accessibility reporter allowing you to focus on fixing issues rather than hunting them down. If you want you can extend the base configuration directly ( "extends": "mixmax") but you shouldn't

  • "mixmax/browser/spec", in directories containing browser specs (assumed to be using Jasmine).
  • Additionally, Backbone and $ are globalized so that their import statements are not required by the linter (though they should be - see TODOs in this configuration file). eslint-plugin-react is enabled in this configuration to allow for React-specific linting.
  • "mixmax/browser", in directories containing browser code.
  • "mixmax/flow", in projects using flow for type checking (should also extend mixmax/node or mixmax/browser).
  • "mixmax/node/next", in projects using node 8 syntax (should also extend mixmax/node).
  • "mixmax/node/ava", in directories containing ava tests.
  • "mixmax/node/spec", in directories containing Node specs (assumed to be using Jasmine).
  • "mixmax/node", in directories containing Node.js code.
  • If you'll be using the flow configs, make sure to install the optional eslint-plugin-flowtype and dependencies. If you'll be using the browser configs, make sure to install the following dependencies: Install this config's peer dependencies if you haven't already: npm install -D Using browser config Installing npm install -D eslint-config-mixmax (sorry for the private link, non-Mixmaxers) or those of a more established guide-see Roadmap).

    Mixmax config eslint code#

    Later it should probably enforce our code styles This project defines a linter configuration that enforces healthy JS syntax.

    Mixmax config eslint